Cloud Proxy gotcha with VMware Cloud on AWS Endpoint

So you setup your cloud proxy for Cloud Assembly and it has been working for weeks and suddenly it stopped working and you check the cloud account and it is constantly spinning in data collection. Eventually it pops up with the following error: Failed to submit task for execution. Make Continue reading Cloud Proxy gotcha with VMware Cloud on AWS Endpoint

Getting started with vRealize Automation 7.2 video guide

This guide will show you how to quickly stand up a minimal installation of vRealize Automation 7.2 running in your environment. I will also show you how to create and publish your first blueprints so you can begin to evaluate and demonstrate the solution at your organization. vRA Minimal Deployment Continue reading Getting started with vRealize Automation 7.2 video guide

How to install the vRA Everlasting Blueprint

Have you every wanted to be sure that every part of vRA, vRO and vCenter were working and functioning properly? Oh, and before a user tells you that provisioning failed? While there are many resources available to monitor vRA services and logs, how do you really know until you provision Continue reading How to install the vRA Everlasting Blueprint

How to integrate vRealize Automation with the Puppet Plugin 2.0

The Puppet Plugin 2.0 for vRealize Automation is here so let’s put it to good use by integrating it with vRealize Automation Blueprints! Pre-Reqs:   Puppet Plugin Installed and Configured. See my guide here A Puppet master server running Puppet Enterprise 2016.4 or newer, or open source Puppet 4.6.2 or Continue reading How to integrate vRealize Automation with the Puppet Plugin 2.0

Puppet Plugin 2.0 for vRO agent install workflow gotcha

If you are trying to use the new Puppet Plugin 2.0 for vRealize Automation workflows and you get an error when deploying a blueprint it is most likely The agent packages needed to support your platform, for example: el-7-x86_64 are not present on your Puppet Master. The error in the Continue reading Puppet Plugin 2.0 for vRO agent install workflow gotcha

How to use wget and Github with vRealize Automation Blueprints

I recently started using GitHub as part of another blog post demonstrating how to integrate Ansible with vRealize Automation. It occurred to me that I could also use Github as a place to store scripts with version control as well as any other code I needed to deploy to a Continue reading How to use wget and Github with vRealize Automation Blueprints

vRA Ansible Integration 3 ways

In this blog series I will walk you through 3 ways to integrate Ansible with vRealize Automation 7. Just to set expectations this guide is not about Ansible. This is really more focused on how you can use Ansible with vRealize Automation together to provide both provisioning with policy and Continue reading vRA Ansible Integration 3 ways

The vRA Guest Agent Ansible Integration

In this guide I will show you to use a Guest Agent Blueprint to integrate Ansible Playbooks. In this example I am using what I describe as Ansible Standalone. Meaning, there is no Ansible Server that is pusing the playbook to this server. I simply install ansible, pull the playbook Continue reading The vRA Guest Agent Ansible Integration