Tag Archives: test
How to verify Harbor 1.1 is successfully installed
In the previous guide we installed and configured Harbor on Photon OS. In this guide I will walk you through testing that your Harbor registry installation is working and you can push images to it.
Verify your Harbor Registry is backed by S3 Storage
In the previous guide we installed and configured Harbor to use S3 backed storage. In this guide I will walk you through testing that your Harbor registry installation is being backed by S3 storage.
How to install the vRA Everlasting Blueprint
Have you every wanted to be sure that every part of vRA, vRO and vCenter were working and functioning properly? Oh, and before a user tells you that provisioning failed? While there are many resources available to monitor vRA services Continue reading How to install the vRA Everlasting Blueprint
VMware Harbor VPC installation gotcha
I ran into an issue testing replication of Harbor registry from my local data center out to an instance on a public cloud that was also an instance in a VPC. The issue is that an instance in a VPC Continue reading VMware Harbor VPC installation gotcha