Guest Bloggers


Mark Andreopoulos, Cloud Specialist at VMware. Over 20 years of IT experience. Prior to VMware, I worked for both BMC and Symantec in the automation, cloud, and HA/DR spaces. I spent 12 years at Pulte homes, working in a variety of roles in IT.

Disclaimer: My postings are my own and don’t necessarily represent VMware’s positions, strategies or opinions.



9 Replies to “Guest Bloggers”

  1. Pingback: How vCAC integrates with Service Now |

  2. I tried extending the hard drives on one of my VM provisioned via vCAC. I submitted the request and now it still shows under the status: ” on(reconfigure scheduled). But I still cannot see the extended hard drive space in the VM

    • If it says reconfigure scheduled, then it hasn’t executed the reconfigure command and sent it to vCenter yet. There should be an option for “execute now” which should trigger it. You should then see it in vCenter extending the disk.

  3. Hi Folks,

    May i know with Vrealize Cloud Client can we automate VRA.
    i mean automate blueprints creation, cloud providers and logical templates.
    please help.

  4. Hi Folks,
    I am trying to pusblish a xaas service blueprint using REST API. May I know the parameters that I have to pass in Json body.

    I am using POSTMAN client.


    “parameter”: [
    “description”: “string”,
    “value”: {
    “objectType”: “string”
    “type”: “string”,
    “name”: “string”,
    “scope”: “LOCAL”,
    “updated”: false

    Can you help me , what all i need to replace in place of “string”
    I know xaas blueprint id..

    please help me.

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