Photon OS vs. Photon Platform – Stop The Insanity

I get this question a lot, or I think the conversation is about one solution and it ends up being about the other. In this post I will very simply describe both solutions. This is not a 10 pager here, super simple so you can keep this as a handy Continue reading Photon OS vs. Photon Platform – Stop The Insanity

Photon Platform or vSphere or Both?

Just back from another successful VMworld and a lot of folks asking for the slides from this session. While the official slides are being posted on shortly I did want to follow up with a blog post on this for anyone that was unable to attend in person. As Continue reading Photon Platform or vSphere or Both?

Photon Controller 1.0 First Look

The 1.0 release of Photon Controller is now available on GitHub. Along with some bug fixes In this major release we see a sexy new UI. Photon Platform development is moving fast and this milestone just goes to show the commitment VMware has to deliver this new Conatiner technology to Continue reading Photon Controller 1.0 First Look

CNA7524 – Photon Platform, vSphere, or Both?

This year one of my VMworld sessions comes from my passion for technology. Ever since I was a kid I have always wanted to play with the new toys first. As I started my career in IT this passion did not end. In early 2000 I heard about this software Continue reading CNA7524 – Photon Platform, vSphere, or Both?

How to use the Docker Volume Driver with Photon Platform

VMware recently released a Beta version of a plugin for Docker volumes. I was curious to see if it also works on Photon Platform. Well it does! In this guide I will walk you through setting it up and then we will run my favorite app in a container to Continue reading How to use the Docker Volume Driver with Photon Platform