Getting started with VMware Admiral Container Service on Photon OS

In this guide I will walk you through a simple setup of Admiral using Photon OS as the container host. Admiralâ„¢ is a highly scalable and very lightweight Container Management platform for deploying and managing container based applications. It is designed to have a small footprint and boot extremely quickly. Continue reading Getting started with VMware Admiral Container Service on Photon OS

How to enable Docker Remote API on Photon OS

So you want to connect to the Docker instance on Photon OS remotly from another Docker client? In this guide I will walk you through a few short steps to configure Photon OS to enable the remote docker API. NOTE: This is not considered the secure method. If you want Continue reading How to enable Docker Remote API on Photon OS

How to use PhotonOS with an insecure registry

If you have installed a local docker registry without signed SSL certificates, the docker daemon will need to be started in a way to allow connection in insecure mode. For details see this note from Docker. In this guide I will show you how to configure VMware Photon OS to Continue reading How to use PhotonOS with an insecure registry

How to use the Docker Volume Driver with Photon Platform

VMware recently released a Beta version of a plugin for Docker volumes. I was curious to see if it also works on Photon Platform. Well it does! In this guide I will walk you through setting it up and then we will run my favorite app in a container to Continue reading How to use the Docker Volume Driver with Photon Platform