How to Monitor Bandwidth to and from VMC on AWS with vRops

Ok, before everyone pings me, I know it is now called VMware Aria Operations but the name change is so new that I know most people will still refer to it as vRops. Heck, I still call it Alive. Skittles view anyone? Anywho….are you looking for a way to monitor Continue reading How to Monitor Bandwidth to and from VMC on AWS with vRops

How to create MS SQL Cluster Shared Disk on VMware Cloud on AWS

So you have been struggling to setup shared disk between two windows servers for a while now? Cant power on the second VM? I hear ya and been there. You have come to the right place as I detailed the whole procedure out for you in easy to follow steps. Continue reading How to create MS SQL Cluster Shared Disk on VMware Cloud on AWS

How to create private networks in VMware Cloud on AWS

Before you begin, just a disclaimer that at the time of writing this post this is not actually supported by VMware. With that said proceed at your own risk. In this post I will show you how to create a private non-routed network in VMC on AWS. Why would you Continue reading How to create private networks in VMware Cloud on AWS

How to serve NFS, iSCSI and Windows File shares on VMware Cloud on AWS

In a previous post I showed you how to create Windows and NFS shares on VMware Cloud on AWS that land on Amazon S3 storage. What about if you wanted to use your local vSAN storage to present these services to your VM’s. In this guide I will show you Continue reading How to serve NFS, iSCSI and Windows File shares on VMware Cloud on AWS

HCX performance consideration for DC migration.

I was working with a customer recently and ended up spending a lot of time talking about how to get better performance while migrating virtual machine (s) from Source Data Center to Target Data Center using VMware HCX technology. Here are some of the factors (not limited to) to consider Continue reading HCX performance consideration for DC migration.

HCX vCenter Plugin Gotcha

So you just deployed HCX for VMware Cloud on AWS and now you are at the point where you logged into your local vCenter and opened the plugin but you are getting an error stating “Your session is no longer valid, you need to login again to view and manage Continue reading HCX vCenter Plugin Gotcha

VMC HCX Site Pairing Gotcha

So you are at the point where you have HCX manager appliance deployed and you need to create a site pair with the HCX in the cloud but you keep timeing out or getting an error. NOTE: This problem only occurs when you are connected to VMC with a Direct Continue reading VMC HCX Site Pairing Gotcha

VMware Cloud on AWS Networking for Newbies

One of the biggest areas of confusion with the VMware Cloud on AWS service is the networking. Honestly I can see why as I remember my first meetings with engineering and it was a bit overwhelming. having spent the last year working with several customers, I now believe I have Continue reading VMware Cloud on AWS Networking for Newbies

How to Create a Windows NAS on VMware Cloud on AWS

In this guide I will show you how to create a Windows File Share NAS on VMware Cloud on AWS using AWS Storage Gateway that is backed by low cost S3 storage. This same NAS can also serve as an NFS server as well. More on that later though. Let’s Continue reading How to Create a Windows NAS on VMware Cloud on AWS