How to integrate vROPS 6 badges in vRA 6.2

One of the new features of vRealize Automation is the ability to pull metrics from vRealize Operations. These metrics can be used to display the health bages ov VM’s in the vRA portal as well as povide information on what VM’s you may want to send a reclamation request for. Continue reading How to integrate vROPS 6 badges in vRA 6.2

White Screen on New AppD Request?

So you have vCAC and Application Director installed. You are at the point that you want to request a new app from the Catalog and instead of the request box you are presented with a blank White screen. Well, let’s get that fixed so you can enjoy the power of Continue reading White Screen on New AppD Request?

Puppet Enterprise with vCAC – Part 1 Automatically install the PE agent

This guide will show you how to integrate Puppet Enterprise with vCAC. This will allow you to have day 2 configuration management of servers provisioned by vCAC as well as be able to offer a self service application portal. In part 1 we will walk through how to configure vCAC Continue reading Puppet Enterprise with vCAC – Part 1 Automatically install the PE agent

Puppet Enterprise with vCAC – Part 2 Sign Node, Add Group, Puppet Run

In Part 1 we configured vCAC to deploy a Linux VM and install and configure the Puppet Agent to register with the Puppet Master. In this lesson we will take it a step further by contacting the Puppet Master and signing the Node request, adding the node to the group Continue reading Puppet Enterprise with vCAC – Part 2 Sign Node, Add Group, Puppet Run

How to change DNS settings on vCAC and SSO Appliance

This is for vCAC 6.0 and 6.0.1 and ID appliances 6.0 and 6.0.1 Please take a snapshot of both appliances prior to this procedure. Non-functional DNS resolution can result in loss of system functionality. After you have deployed the vCAC appliance and ID (SSO) appliances you may need to update Continue reading How to change DNS settings on vCAC and SSO Appliance

How vCAC integrates with Service Now

I am often asked by customers how vCloud Automation Center integrates with Service Now. From an integration and workflow perspective, vCAC extends to ServiceNow just like any other ITIL or CMDB type systems. For example, a customer could have BMC Remedy, HP CMDB or even a home grow system and Continue reading How vCAC integrates with Service Now

Pimp my vCAC 6 with the new icon pack

It’s a new year so time for a new you…err cloud that is. Why not bring the sexy back to your portal by accessorizing with some sleek new icons? Be the talk of the water cooler when your users rave about the new cloud portal. Be a hero of IT! Continue reading Pimp my vCAC 6 with the new icon pack

vCAC 6 SSL configuration gotcha

When installing vCAC 6 using the stand alone Identity appliance you will need to configure the SSL certificates in a specific way. Otherwise you will not be able to login to your system with the identity store credentials. This is because the vCAC appliance contacts the Idenetiy appliance for a Continue reading vCAC 6 SSL configuration gotcha