Project Pacific K8S explained in Amazon EC2 terms

Kubernetes is a cool and powerful development platform. Also with the announcement of Project Pacific it is not just a container platform anymore. With Pacific you can also spin up traditional virtual machines with the same Kubernetes commands as well as a fully compliant Kubernetes Cluster. When I first started Continue reading Project Pacific K8S explained in Amazon EC2 terms

The Easy Button for Cloud Migrations

So you just finished patch Tuesday again, upgraded to vSphere 6.5 and you thought you could take a breath but now your boss is asking you to migrate 20% of your workloads to the cloud. You can already anticipate all the stress from your application owners, DBA’s and end users Continue reading The Easy Button for Cloud Migrations

Top 10 coolest features of VMware Cloud on AWS

I am blessed with the privilege of using VMware cloud on AWS everyday. I still get excited every time I show a feature to a customer because I love that moment of awe they have when they see what we can do. In no particular order these are the top Continue reading Top 10 coolest features of VMware Cloud on AWS

VMware Cloud on AWS limited rights explained

VMware Cloud on AWS is a managed service. Support, patching and maintenance of the infrastructure is the responsibility of VMware. With that said there needs to be a separation of access control so a customer does not accidentally cause a support alert or worse, bring down the entire cluster. While Continue reading VMware Cloud on AWS limited rights explained

How to use Terraform with VMware Cloud on AWS

In this article I will show you how to use Terrafom to provision a VM to VMware cloud on AWS. Using Terraform with the vSphere Provider is not new. Because VMware Cloud on AWS is a managed service there are some gotchas with using a tool like Terraform. Because of Continue reading How to use Terraform with VMware Cloud on AWS

Comparing VMware Cloud on AWS and Azure

While working with customers I get this question a lot so I wanted to share with you some of the differences between the two offerings. Please note this is not a competitive bashathon. Let’s face it, we live in a multi-cloud world and customers are leveraging both public and private Continue reading Comparing VMware Cloud on AWS and Azure

How to run a VMware Cloud on AWS Assessment

Wondering how much VMware Cloud on AWS you need? Want to scan your existing environment and run a report to see how many hosts you need? Well you have come to the right place. In this article I will show you how to download and install vRealize Business for Cloud Continue reading How to run a VMware Cloud on AWS Assessment

VMware Cloud on AWS DR as a Service first look

The days of managing a remote DR hot site are over!!! Last week at Amazon reInvent, VMware announced General Availability of DR as a Service for VMware Cloud on AWS. This service leverages a very mature and widely used solution from VMWare called SRM or Site Recovery Manager. In this Continue reading VMware Cloud on AWS DR as a Service first look

VMware in the Clouds – Cheat Sheet

It has been a huge year for VMware! So many clouds so many announcements. Here is a quick reference guide to what VMware is offering in public clouds. Any Cloud: Software as a service management tools delivered from the Cloud to be able to manage across both vSphere and your Continue reading VMware in the Clouds – Cheat Sheet