Wondering how much VMware Cloud on AWS you need? Want to scan your existing environment and run a report to see how many hosts you need? Well you have come to the right place. In this article I will show you how to download and install vRealize Business for Cloud to run the VMware Cloud on AWS assessment to determine how much VMware Cloud on AWS you need as well as the right pricing options.
Watch an overview of the cost assessment tool here:
Ready to see for yourself? Download the vRealize Business for Cloud Appliance version 7.3.1 or higher
Please Note: You may not be entitled to download this. If not, please reach out to your VMware Account team for assistance!
Choose the disk format and data store
Note, you can use Thin provisioned for this assessment but if you plan to also use the full feature of vRealize Business for cloud you should use Thick Provisioned
Enter a password for the root account of this appliance
Be sure to remember or write this down or you will need to redeploy the appliance.
Enter the network information for this appliance
If you are certain you have DHCP you can leave this section blank
Open an SSH session to the IP address of the vRBC VM
I use Putty for Windows, you can download it here!
Login as root and the password you set earlier and change to /usr/ITFM-Cloud/va-tools/bin
See why you need to remember it!!!
cd /usr/ITFM-Cloud/va-tools/bin
Type 1 and press enter
- enter vRBC-vmc as the username
- enter a password
Open a web browser to https://ipofvRBC/itfm-cloud
- Enter the user name we just created
- Enter the password we created
- Click Login
Enter a license key serial number
Note: If you are not licensed for vRealize Business reach out to your VMware Account team.
Go to the administration tab then vCenter and click add
Enter a name for vCenter then the server FQDN or IP address and a use and password with enough rights to read the inventory and click save
The initial inventory may take a few to several minutes, on the Business Management tab click the status to verify it has completed
You should see gree check boxes that vCenter data collection is successful
If not, click Update now to run data collection manually
On the left click What-If Analysis and VMC Assessment
- Choose the Data Center
- Choose the Cluster
- Choose the the virtual machines or choose all
- Click Run Scenario
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