Securing NSX Manager in VMware Cloud on AWS

You may have noticed VMware recently added a Tab “Open NSX Manager” for your SDDC. On initial SDDC deployment this is only accessible over the internet but is secured behind your VMware Cloud Portal login credentials. Once you connect your VPN or Direct connect you are presented with an internal Continue reading Securing NSX Manager in VMware Cloud on AWS

Five ways to avoid Container Lock-in

So you are now running containers in production and you are starting to get the hang of things. You notice that while it was easy to get started, now your costs are going up as you add more and more containers. It my be time to move to a different Continue reading Five ways to avoid Container Lock-in

The kubectl vsphere container is here

Do you want to run kubectl vsphere commands from a container? Do you want to be able to specify containers and also call the VM Service in the same YAML file? Well you have come to the right place. I built a simple container that takes 5 variables and sends Continue reading The kubectl vsphere container is here

How to run commands in provisioned VM’s with the Tanzu VM Service

Ok, you have made it this far, you setup Tanzu with vSphere, you deployed a namespace and configured the VM Service and deployed your first VM. Now you want to actually deploy some applications inside the VM? Well you have come to the right place! !

How to create MS SQL Cluster Shared Disk on VMware Cloud on AWS

So you have been struggling to setup shared disk between two windows servers for a while now? Cant power on the second VM? I hear ya and been there. You have come to the right place as I detailed the whole procedure out for you in easy to follow steps. Continue reading How to create MS SQL Cluster Shared Disk on VMware Cloud on AWS

Configuring Jenkins Pipelines to use the Tanzu VM Service

So you have been evaluating the new Tanzu for vSphere VM Service for some time and you want to start to integrate it into your CI/CD Pipelines? Well you have come to the right place. So you have been evaluating the new Tanzu for vSphere VM Service for some time Continue reading Configuring Jenkins Pipelines to use the Tanzu VM Service