vRB/ITBM standard installation gotcha

If you are getting an error registering vRB/ITBM on the following screen you may have special characters in your sso admin password. The sso admin is the administrator@vsphere.local account. Read on for the fix. See the following KB about SSO limitations on special characters Note: it does not specify the Continue reading vRB/ITBM standard installation gotcha

How to reindex the ITBM 1.x Standard Appliance Database

The ITBM standard appliance has it’s own local database. Behind the scenes it is running a vPostgres database to store information about cost and consumptions of your private and public cloud. Over time the database tables can become fragmented and impact performance. Always snapshot or backup your appliance before attempting Continue reading How to reindex the ITBM 1.x Standard Appliance Database