Puppet vRO Plugin 1.0 to 2.0 upgrade gotcha

I have been working with the new Puppet Plugin in my lab and I found the new workflows failing as they were referencing modules in the old 1.0 plugin. The workflows throw an error like Cannot find function escapeShellArgument in object Module:com.puppet.o11n.plugin.puppet

Edit the (Install PE Agent on Linux with SSH) workflow and see the following problem in the script. That is referencing the new plugin but something went wrong with the install.


You have 2 options to resolve this issue

  1. Quick and dirty would be to just modify the scripts in the workflows to point to the old module com.vmware.o11n.plugin.puppet.node (I tried this first but had more problems)
  2. Clean method, remove the puppet plugin and reinstall. Remove instructions here install instructions here.
Remember sharing is caring!

5 Replies to “Puppet vRO Plugin 1.0 to 2.0 upgrade gotcha”

  1. I have try remove the old version of the plugin using the script provide by Puppetlabs and install version 2.0 of the plugin and still having workflow error.

  2. Pingback: How to Install and Configure Puppet Plugin 2.0 for vRealize Automation – VMtoCloud.com

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