The peice I will always remember fondly was when they were dealing with a creature that was made up of silicate and rock which was &#ct80;a2ta2king” miners. Comes to find out, the creature was only trying to protect its babies (thank you Vulcan mind meld). The being took some damage, however and was in bad shape. Kirk, not knowing what else to do, turns to Bones and tries to spur the good doctor into action. McCoy looks to Kirk, and says with frustration “DAMMIT, JIM! I’m a Doctor, not a stonemason”.
The peice I will always remember fondly was when they were dealing with a creature that was made up of silicate and rock which was &#ct80;a2ta2king” miners. Comes to find out, the creature was only trying to protect its babies (thank you Vulcan mind meld). The being took some damage, however and was in bad shape. Kirk, not knowing what else to do, turns to Bones and tries to spur the good doctor into action. McCoy looks to Kirk, and says with frustration “DAMMIT, JIM! I’m a Doctor, not a stonemason”.