What’s new in vRealize Automation 7.1

Today, VMware released the latest version of vRealize Automation 7.1. Here are some of the highlights I found to be really great improvements, also some of the new features in beta.

  • Download vRealize Automation 7.1 here
  • Documentation for vRealize Automation 7.1 here

GA features:

Improved Views – You can now see the IP Address of the provisioned VM in items view and change the All Services Icon!



Improved Migration and Upgrades – vRA 6 to 7.1


Out of the Box Active Directory Integration for provisioning



Out of the box IPAM integration – Infoblox

Screen Shot 2016-08-23 at 12.25.15 PM

Portlets for external web content – Great for posting how to videos or company wide messages.


Scale out/in -Support for elastic applications

Screen Shot 2016-08-23 at 12.17.39 PM

Open Source as part of vRA 7.1: Go here for download and instructions.



Azure Endpoint – Provision to Microsoft Azure


vRA Service Now integration – Use Service Now portal for vRA




Remember sharing is caring!

12 Replies to “What’s new in vRealize Automation 7.1”

    • Hi Selim,

      The beta plugin is part of the Azure Endpoint Beta at the moment. You will need to request to be added to the Beta and they will provide different bits and instructions.

  1. Hello,

    Any specific patch need to be run to Upgrade from vRA 7.0 to 7.1 to have new functionalities. I won’t think we will be doing the DB migration or blueprint migration to move from vRA 7.0 to 7.1. Any specific documentation for same.

    • This was announced at VMworld but is not part of the GA bits, you will need to contact your VMware representative to be included in the beta.

  2. Hi, I like the integration of the admiral into vRA (containers tab) . I’d like to do that, too!

    How do I configure vRA to show the containers tab?


  3. There is a Scoped Application developed by Cloud Automation Factory that is certified by ServiceNow and VMware, which establishes Bi-Directional communication from ServiceNow through the vRA APIs, reducing the need for PowerShell, vRO, SOAP, etc. A few features it includes are:
    – Native ITSM integration with ServiceNow. CMDB is automatically updated, triggers SR/CR/Incidents.
    – Provisioning or Service Request failures automatically trigger Incidents in ServiceNow and can be configured with a log parsing technology to attach to the incident the latest log errors from across a vRA Enterprise Installation.
    – Request vRA Services and Amazon AWS Services from the same user interface.
    – Manage vRA Catalog/Service Items, BluePrints, Network Profiles, Custom Properties, etc. from ServiceNow with integration into ITSM.
    – Request VM State changes from ServiceNow with integration into ITSM.
    – Export BluePrints from one vRA Instance to other vRA instances.
    – Manage multiple vRA Instances from ServiceNow central pane of glass.

    Here is a link to the ServiceNow store to request a trial if your interested. Its also published in the VMware Solutions Exchange.


  4. Hi Ryan,

    We are trying to add Azure as an endpoint in VRA but it is failing to connect to azure and error we are getting is below:-

    item: ‘Import a certificate from URL with certificate alias/item3’, state: ‘failed’, business state: ‘Error’, exception: ‘InternalError: java.net.UnknownHostException: management.azure.com (Workflow:Import a certificate from URL with certificate alias / Validate (item1)#5)’
    workflow: ‘Add an Azure connection’ (8132d2ea-5926-487b-8f6c-b52c5d404d2f)
    | ‘input’: name=name type=string value=azure
    | ‘input’: name=subscriptionId type=string value=d8f9e53c-9291-4879-a70d-0a41a1eb277f
    | ‘input’: name=serviceUri type=string value=https://management.azure.com/
    | ‘input’: name=ignoreWarnings type=boolean value=true
    | ‘input’: name=tenantId type=string value=ffc95860-fbbc-4b5c-adfc-35a2e40088d2
    | ‘input’: name=clientId type=string value=755eb313-33af-4441-acce-efded49e4abf
    | ‘input’: name=clientSecret type=SecureString value=__NULL__
    | ‘input’: name=loginUrl type=string value=https://login.windows.net/
    | ‘input’: name=proxyHost type=string value=
    | ‘input’: name=proxyPort type=number value=null
    | ‘output’: name=connection type=Azure:Connection value=null
    | ‘no attributes’
    –workflow: ‘Import a certificate from URL’ (c5a874a2-e8e7-480d-bdde-d1a80b8a3011)
    | ‘input’: name=url type=string value=https://management.azure.com/
    | ‘input’: name=ignoreWarnings type=boolean value=true
    | ‘no outputs’
    | ‘no attributes’

    Trying to understand what we are missing or doing wrong.

    I would really appreciate your comments on this and if you can give some hints to resolve this.

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