How to Create an APPD6 Windows Template

For this guide you will need a Windows 2008 R2 VM with VMware tools already installed.

Step 1: Open a console in vCenter and login to the Windows server with Administrator credentials.


Step 2: Open a web browser to the Application Director server and download the Java edition for your operating system. (URL Listed below)



Step 3: Now download the Agent bootstrap from the Application Director server (URL below)



Step 4: Now go the vCAC appliance home page for example https://vcac-l-01a.corp.local:5480/install and download the windows guest agent to the same folder


Step 6: This next step is very important or your deployments will fail. Right click on each zip file. select properties, and mark them as unblock and click ok


Step 6a: Make sure you do the same for the JRE file


Step 6b: Also the agent bootstrap file


Step 7: create a directory named \opt\vmware-jre and unzip the JRE file you downloaded earlier to it, the directory should look like this:


Step 8: Open a windows powershell command line and type \opt\vmware-jre\jre-1.7.0_45-win64\bin\java -version and press enter


You should see the screen above.

Step 9: Unzip the Gugent Zip file to the C: drive as shown


Step 10: Open a command prompt and change to the VRMGuest agent directory and type winservice -i -h FQDNofWindowsIaaS:443 -p ssl and press enter


Step 11: Unzip the vmware-appdirector-agent-bootstrap zip file to a temp folder


Step 12: Now download the Windows 2003 Resource Kit to the server link below


Step 13: Install the 2003 Resource kit tools, browse to the directory it is installed and copy and paste ntrights.exe


Step 14: Go back to the vmware-appdirector-agent-bootstrap folder and paste it there


Step 15: Open a command prompt and browse to the agent-bootstrap folder and run the following command install.bat password=VMware1! cloudProvider=vcac vcacServer=vcac-w8-01a.corp.local httpsMode=https vcacServerPort=443

You can copy and paste the link below.

install.bat password=VMware1! cloudProvider=vcac vcacServer=vcac-w8-01a.corp.local httpsMode=https vcacServerPort=443

NOTE: This command is expecting the Windows IaaS servers hostname not the appliance. Also NOTE: it is case sensitve and will fail if not entered correctly.

Step 16: Shutdown your windows server and you can now make it a template or take a snapshot to setup for linked clone in vCAC


Remember sharing is caring!

2 Replies to “How to Create an APPD6 Windows Template”

  1. Pingback: Installing the AppD/vCloud Automation Center Agent – repost from VMtoCloud – | Cloud Relevant

  2. I believe this bit is wrong:


    as it should be


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